Upstart, start-up tabletop game developers.

2018 Check-In & Update!

Ben here!  I know it’s been a while since we posted any big updates – partly that’s because we don’t want to spam trivial posts, and partly that’s because our 9-5 jobs have been demanding a lot more of our time & attention than anticipated.

However, that’s not to say that we’re not busy.  We’ve been diligently hammering away at Villains & Henchmen! (and other projects) over the last year, and have made serious progress towards reaching a “100% completed” status!  Here’s what we finished in 2017:

-          Base game artwork for all cards

-          Box art designs

-          Game mat design

-          Player board design

-          Rule book initial draft & layout

-          Play-testing for 2 expansion settings

Here’s what we’re working on in the next few months:

-          Rule book revisions & final layout

-          Play-testing for additional expansion settings

-          Final revisions/edits for all card text

-          Kickstarter planning & prep

That last bullet point is a doozy, as we have a few things planned for the Kickstarter.  While we don’t want to spoil anything this far in advance, we’re excited for the campaign, and we'll be sharing more details as we solidify our plans.  But just so everyone is at least somewhat aware of our timeline, the target launch date coincides with a certain mid-summer, southern California comic convention. 

Speaking of conventions and such, we’ve got a pretty busy schedule planned for the first half of 2018.  Check out our calendar for full details of each event, but here’s a quick recap of which events we’ll be attending:

                February 10th – Gamer Bowl

                February 17th – Long Beach Comic Con

                March 24th – WonderCon

                April 20th-22nd – Kingdom Con

                May 25th-28th – Gamex (Strategicon)

                July 19th-22nd – San Diego Comic Con

                August 9th-12th – GamerCon SD (exact attendance dates TBD)

And for those of you who saw our previous post, we hired a new social media specialist.  She brings a lot of talent and experience to the team, and we're extremely confident that she'll help get the word out about V&H!.  She'll be introducing herself in the next few days, once she officially starts!

We're also going to try and be a bit more active in general, both here and in general.  We really do want to do that podcast idea that we tried out, as well as some semi-regular game streaming.  Once we can work our schedules to accommodate those things, we'll be sure to let everyone know.

In the meantime, thanks very much for following along with us!  :)